COVID 19 How to Exercise at Home and Tips on Stress

COVID 19 Stress and Exercise Tips While at Home

As we now go into a full month of being home are you looking for ways to stay active while social distancing? Regardless of your level of fitness, getting regular exercise is an important mental and physical benefit while staying at home. Review these tips on how to exercise at home along with tips on dealing with stress from the CDC. Instead of staying glued to the news broadcasts, take some time for yourself along with a mental and physical health break.

By Brittany Miller, Wellness Coordinator for Munson Healthcare

You’d be surprised at how many household objects work really well as fitness equipment. Who needs a Stairmaster when you have your own stairs? 

  1. Use a chair to do knee curls. A folding chair or dining chair can be used for a variety of great exercises.
  2. Strengthen your legs by doing wall sits. Count to 30. Repeat.
  3. Do calf lifts on your stairs or front doorsteps.
  4. Make your own dumbbells. Fill a gallon-sized milk container (8.5 pounds) or a 72-ounce bottle of detergent (5 pounds) with water and do arm curls. You can also put all those cans of soup to good use. Or lie on the floor and lift your dog (depending on its size and willingness to cooperate).
  5. Perform standing push-ups against a wall to strengthen your upper body.

Healthy multitasking

There’s no need to set aside a special time for physical fitness. Instead, build these exercises from Self magazine into your normal daily routines. And you don’t need any equipment: your body weight provides the resistance.

  1. Crank out some squats while you’re talking on the phone.
  2. Complete a set of plankups while you’re waiting for the water to boil for your tea.
  3. Try a few standing oblique crunches while watching a training video for work.
  4. Ask a child to read you a story (if not in person, then Skype or Facetime work, too) while you do some lunges.
  5. Rock out some high knees while enjoying your favorite Netflix show. 
  6. Crank out some squats while you’re talking on the phone.
  7. Complete a set of plankups while you’re waiting for the water to boil for your tea.
  8. Try a few standing oblique crunches while watching a training video for work.
  9. Ask a child to read you a story (if not in person, then Skype or Facetime work, too) while you do some lunges.
  10. Rock out some high knees while enjoying your favorite Netflix show. 

Dealing with Stress with COVID 19 Stay at Home Mandates?

Here are some tips below from the CDC on stress and coping 



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